Last Will and Testament

What is a Will?

The topic of death is not an easy one to discuss and planning for it can be daunting and uncomfortable for some people. However, it is something that you should prioritise for the sake of you and your loved ones. Death is unavoidable, and its repercussions do not just touch you; so, it is essential to make arrangements for people who are close to you.

Because, after all, you want to be in control of who reaps the rewards of your life’s labour. That’s why we have partnered with Capital Legacy, the leading provider of Wills and Estates in South Africa. Our aim is to help our members provide for their families – both in the immediate days following their passing and the years to come.

We have also recently launched the AA Estate Guardian Plan to protect your funds from taxes, fees, and other expenses. Depending on the plan you select, we could cover up to 100% of the legal, estate, professional and executor fees, pay cash to your loved ones for their immediate expenses (because your accounts will be frozen upon your death), and even set up and pay the Trust fees if you have children under the age of 18.

Please call me to set up my Will and Testament Consultation – at no cost!

    Why should I get a Will?

    • You decide how your estate will be distributed and helps to avoid family disputes over your estate after your death.
    • A will empowers you to make an informed decision about who will care for your minor children in the event of your death.
    • You can reduce your estate taxes by having a valid Will since the value of the items you give away to family members or charities will be deducted from the value of your estate.
    • Find a home for your pets to live. Pets are considered property under the law, and you can choose a beneficiary for your pet, leaving them to a loving friend or member of your family.
    • Specify funeral preferences. Although these instructions are not legally obligatory, they will provide some information to your executors and loved ones regarding your preferences.

    How do I qualify?

    Simply send through your details and a consultant will call you to organise a consultation to discuss your requirements. Visit to leave your details.

    AA Estate Guardian Plan is underwritten by Guardrisk Life Ltd, a Licensed Life Insurer and administered by Capital Legacy, an Authorised Financial Services Provider. Terms and conditions apply